Current Projects

Look here to find information on current projects happening in our community to enhance your water service. 

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Replacing and Improving Water Lines Damaged by Storm/Severe Flooding

Damage to lines in the areas including Pennington at Hwy 287 & Fodice, Fodice Rd, the line across the creek on Zion Hill Rd, and  Ashworth Ln.

Proposed Project : Flat Prairie Water Line Replacement

We will be replacing 2 miles of water line and increasing the size of pipe to alleviate leaks and improve the quality of water service. To be completed in 2025.

Drilling New Well 1- C

We are in the process of adding a new well to our system to be able to provide adequate gpm, accommodate additional meters and meet TCEQ requirements

New Pressure Tanks

2 - 6,000 gallon pressure tanks were installed at our Holly plant to provide additional capacity and meet TCEQ requirements

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Working harder to better serve and communicate with our community we have launched a new website for our water customers.  Check it out and let us know what you think.  Subscribe today!